Create Travel Stickers

factory pencil

click to enlargeMany years ago, people displayed decals on suitcases or the bumpers of cars to show the states in the U.S. to which they had traveled. The decals were usually in the shape of the state, and they may have included a picture or drawing that hinted at what made the place special. For example, a Florida decal might show oranges and palm trees, while one from New York would feature the Statue of Liberty.

You can make your own stickers from scrap paper or other materials, and glue them onto your Flat Stanley Travel Capsule. It would be fun for Stanley to collect stickers from every state or country he visits. It's easy to make glue to use in fastening stickers to the travel capsule. You may want to include this recipe when you send Flat Stanley to your host, so he can make a travel sticker that represents his state or country.

You Will Need:

How to:

 click to enlarge  Draw and color your sticker, and cut it out. To make the sticker solution, add one teaspoon of the gelatin to two teaspoons of boiling water, and mix in the bowl until the gelatin is dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool for one minute. Brush a thin coat of the solution onto the back of your drawing, and allow it to dry. Finally, lick the sticker, and fasten it to back of the travel capsule.

Tips and Tricks:

If you prefer, use a glue stick to fasten stickers to the Flat Stanley travel capsule.

Other Flat Stanley Art Activities

Create a Journal Design a Bookmark
Make a Postcard Decorate Flat Stanley's Travel Capsule
Create Flat Stanley Mail Art Create Travel Stickers
The Flat Stanley Project  

Thanks to Dale Hubert, creator and moderator of the Flat Stanley Project, for providing general information about the book, how the activity works, and for giving us permission to use the project in this art/reuse activity.

© 2007 Marilyn J. Brackney

Volume 20 No. 2

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